Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lent: Farewell Facebook + Twitter

I haven't ever put a whole lot of focus and/or energy into lent.
Growing up it was always a "Catholic thing".
No joke.
My Catholic friends would give up chocolate & ice cream for a few weeks & we would tease them with ours... so rude.
Anyway, it seemed like a ritual to me more than anything.
But this year I'm feeling convicted to do some real fasting and seeking after God in this season.
May is quickly approaching & brings with it great uncertainty for the Greeno household.
Hunter's graduation equals job hunting, possible relocation, transitioning back to being home full-time?
Probably a move, talk of another babe, basically just an upheaval of any "routine" we've established.
Which, oddly enough, is what we desire & long for right now.
The point is, I need and want to spend this season asking the Lord for what he wants.
I want to ask with a pure heart, not selfish motives.

Which brings me to my main point.

In order to do this, I believe I need much more focus.
I need to demonstrate a willingness to give up things that I put far too much value on.
I'm feeling convicted to separate myself from the things of this world and to draw near to Jesus.

And so facebook, twitter, I bid you adieu until Easter.
Just the amount of stress inflicted by the typing of that sentence makes it pretty clear to me that my priorities are out of whack.
It's kind of embarrassing actually that this is such a difficult thing to give up.
I was also super convicted by Rachel this week, as she wrote about the ugly truth that our social media addictions can cover up.
That the constant need to be "connected" could possibly be discontentment with the life we've been blessed with.
Am I desiring something different so I spend my time reading about everyone else's life?
I pray that if that's true, it will be uncovered & that I would be refreshed and intentional with this time.

If you need me I suppose you'll have to call or email :)


  1. i am so proud of you Ashley! certainly not easy. i went through a few weeks of disconnect this past fall and it was perhaps the most difficult way for me to regain focus and it sure did! i can't wait to check in on your posts when you return - eagerly awaiting to see what you've learned.. and what is next for your sweet family!

  2. beautiful lady! i'll miss you on twitter but I totally agree that it can be a distraction of living REAL life. But so many things can be a distraction toward real life.

    I am journaling every night-- so that means if I waste time on social media, then I'm going to have to be tired then next day. it's about prioritizing my time and journaling with God through this time.

  3. Thanks for the shout out on my post, to God be the glory that he shows us our sin and the roots too. I am so glad that he is not leaving us as we are but MAKING US BEAUTIFUL!



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