Helloooooo! I've got glitter fever girls.
So let's get this party started, ok?
First, go stock up on tons of sparkles.
You know it's going to be a great craft day when the check out lady at Michael's says to you,
"Whoa. That's a lot of glitter."

Next, you'll need to take that old strand of lights that doesn't work anymore...
You know, the one you painstakingly hung and then found out didn't turn on?
Yeah, those.
Cover 2 of the bulbs in glitter, then think to yourself,
"This would be waaaay easier if the bulbs weren't still in the sockets."
No wait, I already did that, you can skip that step ;)
Just take all the bulbs out k?

Moving on, paint each bulb with mod podge* + glitter-fy it!

*Side note: If you're not rich enough to pay $7 for a tiny bottle of mod podge, do what I do.
Equal parts cheap glue & water is the way to go friends.

Oh yes, the finished product.
Beautiful & festive yeah?
I'll be hot gluing mine onto some twine.
But they'd be real cute in a glass vase too... or as fun little ornaments.

Please don't think I was going to stop at one glitter project.
No way, I'm on a roll.
Next up: tiny clothespins.
These will be showcasing out Christmas card collection.
(Keep 'em coming guys.)

Now for the really exciting part!!
I happen to be super proud of this sparkly craft post.
And since it might be the best DIY I'll ever have the time/energy/right lighting to post...
Let's pin it!

Here's what's up: Pin this post & leave me a comment telling me you did :)
Winner gets these cutie glitter chalkboard clothespins AND two Bow+Arrow Art thank you cards.
Best thing about it?
These will totally be fabulous for Valentine's Day as well.

Giveaway is open until midnight on the 23rd.
So you can have your thank you cards to send out for all those great gifts you get!
Thanks for reading Bow+Arrow.
You all are really great :)

(Linking up with Vanessa.)
oh my gosh. ashley. this is the CUTEST diy post ever.. all your comments. i was going to pin it before i even know i could win it! ;)
ReplyDeletebtw. i pinned it.
SO SO cute!! pinned it too -- & now i want to win! :) :) http://pinterest.com/pin/92675704803856438/
ReplyDeleteVery, very cute. I guess this is what you were working on this afternoon. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, and I needed that cheaper recipe for modge podge. Thanks for sharing that.
Pinned. http://pinterest.com/pin/118712140149554094/
Pinned it! Such a cute idea- I just wish I had a strand of the bigger bulbs. Might have to buy some to do this!
ReplyDeletesuper cute! I love the idea of upcycling bulbs that no longer work!
ReplyDeleteI pinned it :) http://pinterest.com/pin/79376012154149170/
Oh. my. goodness. I love glitter. You are speaking my love language. Those are the cutest bulbs ever. . .I need to collect some nonworking ones asap. I am thoroughly impressed. I also like the added blogging dimension of the sharpie tips on butcher paper. You are brilliant. Merry Christmas glitter friend!
ReplyDeletelove all of it!!!